November 15, 2008
LO members help fight skin cancer
Denis Flanagan CLD
Manager, membership services
Landscape Ontario was contacted a couple of months ago with a request to become involved in a new project launched by the Southwest Public Health Skin Cancer Prevention Network. This organization represents eight regional health units in southwestern Ontario. The network’s mandate is to work towards reducing the risk of skin cancer through awareness and education, community mobilization, advocacy and policy development.
With our new Green for Life branding imitative, this seemed a perfect fit.
To launch the campaign, a forum was held at the Hilton Hotel in London, Ont., entitled Where’s the SHADE? Presentations were given on a variety of topics, including The Effectiveness of Shade and Creative Solutions for Shade.
As quoted from the forum: “One in seven Canadians born today will experience a skin cancer in his lifetime, so seeking shade is smart. Shade not only reduces air temperature, it can lower harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays by 50 per cent or more. Trees cool the environment, clean the air, help conserve energy, reduce soil erosion, provide wind breaks, lessen noise, increase property values and provide beauty.”
As part of the event, organizers wanted the hotel decorated with live plant material. That’s where our London chapter member Clintar Landscape Management played an important role. Dave Moore and his team did a wonderful job of greening the hotel and establishing an important partnership with the health network.
I will leave the last word to the health professionals: “To Dave and Richard of Clintar, a huge appreciation for all that you and your crew did for us and participants at the forum. It was a pleasure working with you. We look forward to another opportunity. Warmest regards.” Kaylene McKinnon RN, BScN, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Team.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at
Caption: Richard Shives surrounded by the medical personnel who make up “Where’s the SHADE?.“
Manager, membership services

With our new Green for Life branding imitative, this seemed a perfect fit.
To launch the campaign, a forum was held at the Hilton Hotel in London, Ont., entitled Where’s the SHADE? Presentations were given on a variety of topics, including The Effectiveness of Shade and Creative Solutions for Shade.
As quoted from the forum: “One in seven Canadians born today will experience a skin cancer in his lifetime, so seeking shade is smart. Shade not only reduces air temperature, it can lower harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays by 50 per cent or more. Trees cool the environment, clean the air, help conserve energy, reduce soil erosion, provide wind breaks, lessen noise, increase property values and provide beauty.”
As part of the event, organizers wanted the hotel decorated with live plant material. That’s where our London chapter member Clintar Landscape Management played an important role. Dave Moore and his team did a wonderful job of greening the hotel and establishing an important partnership with the health network.
I will leave the last word to the health professionals: “To Dave and Richard of Clintar, a huge appreciation for all that you and your crew did for us and participants at the forum. It was a pleasure working with you. We look forward to another opportunity. Warmest regards.” Kaylene McKinnon RN, BScN, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Team.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at
Caption: Richard Shives surrounded by the medical personnel who make up “Where’s the SHADE?.“