May 15, 2016

Martha Walsh, Sally Harvey and Theresa Whalen.
LO introduces Eastern Ontario team
Landscape Ontario is pleased to launch a pilot project with the Ottawa and Upper Canada Chapters to create an Eastern Ontario (EO), Regional staff team. This initiative is staffed by Sally Harvey, Martha Walsh and new comer Theresa Whalen.
Sally Harvey is the LO Eastern Ontario Regional Manager and will oversee staff, initiatives and industry development as per the direction of the Ottawa and Upper Canada Chapter Boards.
Theresa Whalen is the LO Eastern Ontario Communications and Marketing Coordinator who will promote internal and external communications to enhance membership value, events and media coordination.
Martha Walsh will continue in her role as the LO Eastern Ontario Chapter Coordinator offering full administrative and coordination support for membership services, and regional meetings, events and activities.
The new LO EO team has already swung into their roles with the recent activities around Congress, Ottawa Home & Remodelling Show, GreenTrade Expo and the Ottawa Home & Garden Show. This Regional pilot project is striving to become self-sustainable within three years as LO looks to the future needs of the organization and local industry.
Sally Harvey is the LO Eastern Ontario Regional Manager and will oversee staff, initiatives and industry development as per the direction of the Ottawa and Upper Canada Chapter Boards.
Theresa Whalen is the LO Eastern Ontario Communications and Marketing Coordinator who will promote internal and external communications to enhance membership value, events and media coordination.
Martha Walsh will continue in her role as the LO Eastern Ontario Chapter Coordinator offering full administrative and coordination support for membership services, and regional meetings, events and activities.
The new LO EO team has already swung into their roles with the recent activities around Congress, Ottawa Home & Remodelling Show, GreenTrade Expo and the Ottawa Home & Garden Show. This Regional pilot project is striving to become self-sustainable within three years as LO looks to the future needs of the organization and local industry.